Matar Kachori

Green Peas are the key ingredient of this paratha recipe. You can use fresh or frozen peas. 


To bind dough, mix the flour, salt and oil. Rub gently oil and flour between your fingers

Step 1

Using ice cold water, make soft, firm, and pliable dough. Rest it for 20 minutes.

Step 2

For Kachori filling, make a paste of green peas in a mixer without using water.

Step 3

Heat oil in a pan. Add peas paste, spices, salt, gram flour, and cook with the filling. Turn off the heat and allow the filling to cool down completely.

Step 4

Divide the kachori dough into equal  sized balls. Take one ball and with your fingers shape it like a bowl. Place 1 teaspoon of pea filling in the center.

Step 5

Gently flatten the stuffed ball into about three inches in diameter with the pressure of your palm.

Step 6

Heat the oil in a deep frying pan. Fry kachoris till crisp and crunchy from both sides. 

Step 7

Serve Matar Kachori with chutney

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