You need only 5 ingredients - Ginger, Green Chilli, Lime, Salt, and Vinegar.


The tender and young ginger roots are the best for this instant ginger pickle.

Expert Tip

Wash green chili, ginger, and lime. Pat dry with a kitchen towel. 

Step 1

Remove skin of ginger. Squeeze out juice of lime. Cut ginger, chili, and lime into thin strips. 

Step 2

Combine all three (ginger, lime, and green chili) in a bowl. 

Step 3

Add lime juice, salt, and vinegar. Mix nicely. Let ginger pickle rest for 30 minutes. 

Step 4

Store ginger pickle in a clean, dry jar with a lid in the refrigerator. 

Step 5

Instant Ginger Pickle is ready to use

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