Fresh Strawberry is the key ingredient for this jam recipe. Apart from that you need sugar and lime juice.


Wash the  strawberries. Remove the green top (crown). 

Step 1

Wipe clean the strawberry and pat dry with a towel. Make sure they are not wet or moist.

Step 2

Next, finely chop the strawberries. Cut and discard the inner white part of the strawberries.

Step 3

Add granulated white sugar. Mix nicely. Cover and set aside for 20 – 30 minutes.

Step 4

After 20 – 30 minutes, sugar will be completely dissolved and a pink color juice will be released.

Step 5

Add lime juice. Start cooking the jam on low heat. It will be pale white in begining.

Step 6

Slowly, the white foam will start reducing. Use a ladle to gently mash the strawberries.

Step 7

After 15 – 20 minutes on low heat, the jam will start sticking to the spoon. Turn off the heat.

Step 8

To check the consistency of the jam, spread a  tablespoon of jam on a metal plate. The strawberry jam should be thick, and will stick to the plate.

Expert Tip

Store Strawberry Jam in the refrigerator

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