You need only 5 ingredients for making badam milk - Almond, Sugar, Milk, Saffron, and Cardamom.


Soak almonds in hot water to remove skin. You can soak them overnight as well. 

Step 1

Once almonds softened, peel and discard the brown skin. You can use skinless almonds as well. 

Step 2

Grind almonds to a smooth paste in a blender along with ⅓ cup of milk.

Step 3

Soaking almonds makes it easier to blend and digest.


Soak saffron in 4 tablespoons of hot milk. This helps in releasing flavor and color.

Step 4

Heat reamining milk in a heavy bottom saucepan over medium heat and bring to a boil. Add green cardamom powder.

Step 5

Once milk reduces to half of the original quantity, add almond paste, sugar, saffron milk, and stir to combine.

Step 6

Reduce the heat to low and cook for 10 minutes over low heat. Keep stirring frequently.

Step 7

Serve Badam Milk warm or cold

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